Creating addon domains Print

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Using addon domains, you can host multiple web sites with separate domain names on your Listed Hosting account. An addon domain is a domain that points to a subdirectory within your primary account. 


How to create an addon domain


  • In the DOMAINS section of the cPanel home screen, click Addon Domains


  • Under Create an Addon Domain, type the domain name in the New Domain Name text box.


  • Optionally, you can create an FTP account with the addon domain. ( If you don’t have a need for an FTP account move on to step 4)
    • Check the Create an FTP account associated with this Addon Domain check box.
    • In the FTP Username text box, type a username for the account.
    • In the Password text box, type the account password that you want.
    • In the Password (Again)text box, retype the account password


  • Click Add Domain. After cPanel creates the domain, you can add content pages in the document root directory specified in step 2. The new addon domain changes may take up to 24 hours to fully propagate across the internet.


Modifying an addon domain

You can change the document root directory for an addon domain. You can also configure an addon domain to redirect to another domain. To make either of these modifications, follow these steps:

  • In the DOMAINS section of the cPanel home screen, click Addon Domains


  • Under Modify Addon Domain, locate the addon domain that you want to modify:
    • To change the addon domain's document root directory, click the (edit) icon, type the new document root directory, and then click Change.
    • To set up domain redirection, click Manage Redirection, type the domain to which you want the addon domain to redirect, and then click Save.


Removing an addon domain

To remove an addon domain that you no longer need, follow these steps:

  • In the DOMAINS section of the cPanel home screen, click Addon Domains


  • Under Modify Addon Domain, locate the addon domain that you want to remove, and then click Remove.


  • If you also want to remove the addon domain's FTP account, select the check box.


  • Click Remove to confirm the removal. Please note that when you delete an addon domain, its folder and files are not deleted. You have to manually delete the folder and files.

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