Keeping your website up and running is crucial for us and the majority of people transferring their hosting accounts to us. That is why we would like to offer a few hints on how to avoid the downtime caused by the DNS propagation after the nameservers change, or at least make it shorter and less harmful to your business.
From the beginning till the end of transfer process your account with the current provider should be active, and your website up and running. Once your hosting account content is fully copied to our servers, it is time to change the nameservers to our hosting ones. Since your account with OLD host is still active, a part of requests will still go to the old server, while another part will see the website from our server already. This does not cancel DNS propagation, but makes it “invisible” though. In approximately 24 hours DNS propagation ends, and all of your visitors will be directed to your hosting account at ListedHosting. At this point, the transfer process can be considered as completed in full.
Therefore, the best time to cancel your account with the old provider is about 48-72 hours after the nameservers change.
Click here to transfer your hosting account to listedhosting today.