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How to create a new package in WHM Print

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Within a Reseller Hosting Account, a hosting package is essentially a set of services, constraints, and resources that each cPanel account may have. Having several packages with varied capabilities and constraints allows you to provide a variety of hosting accounts based on certain features.

NOTE: It is advised that you configure a hosting plan before creating a new cPanel account in WHM to make the process of managing cPanel accounts easier.


In WHM, you'll need to do the following to create a new package:

  1. Go to http://domain.com/whm or https://hostname server/whm to access WHM.
  2. In the Packages area, go to the Add a Package menu.
  3. In the Resources section, set suitable quotas.
  4. In Options, select the package's required settings, including the Feature List.
  5. Select Add from the drop-down menu:

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